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The club shall be called the ‘HARRIETSHAM SOCIAL CLUB’, and is established to offer to members the means of social recreation.



There shall be four categories of membership:

Full member - male or female, aged 18 years or over

Senior member - male or female, aged 65 or over

Junior member - male or female, aged between 16 -18 years

Associate member must be female, aged 18 years or over


Election of members

Every candidate for membership must complete an application form, pay an appropriate fee, and be proposed and seconded by only full and senior members of the club, both of which shall vouch for the candidate’s fitness for membership.

Applications will be displayed on the club notice board for a minimum of 14 days, before the next meeting of the committee who will consider and decide on the applicant’s suitability for membership. 

Upon payment of an annual subscription candidates accept to be bound by the club rules and bye laws.

The names of accepted applicants will be added to the membership list (which shall be kept available for inspection), and they will be issued with a membership card and copy of the club rules.

Membership cards are not transferable and must be produced on request.



The committee reserves the right to charge a fee on joining the club and an annual subscription fee.  These fees shall be determined by the management committee to take effect the following January.

Annual subscriptions shall become due and payable on the first January each year.

On the 1st January a notice shall be posted stating that subscriptions have expired, and that renewals are now due.

Members failing to pay by the last day of February cease to be members of the club, unless special consideration is given by committee agreement.  No member may vote at the AGM unless their subscription has been paid for that year.

The secretary will, with committee approval, decide the proportion of the subscription payable by new members joining after the 31st March


Conduct of members/affiliated members/guests and visiting sporting teams

5.1 All members, guests and visitors will be expected to behave in an orderly manner whilst on club premises.

5.2 If the committee considers that any member’s conduct either inside or outside the club is contrary to the interests of the club, and injurious to its reputation, they may suspend such member, with immediate exclusion from the club premises without any explanation being given.

5.3 Officers, committee members or steward shall have the power to refuse entry, or to expel from the club premises any member, guest or visitor whose behaviour is disorderly or who has committed a breach of any of the rules or byelaws of the club.

5.4 No member suspended or expelled from the club premises shall have any claim or remedy whatsoever against the club or any servant.

5.5 The committee upon representation by a suspended member, and after suitable investigation, may reinstate membership status to such person.  


Termination of membership

6.1 The committee shall write to a member informing them of their intention to terminate their membership of the club, and give that member the opportunity to state their case, in private before the committee. If, following suitable investigation the committee decided to terminate that member’s membership, then their decision shall be conveyed to that member in writing.

6.2 Any person whose membership is terminated shall forfeit all the privileges of membership, save that any unexpired portion of their subscription may be refunded.

6.3 Any persons suspended or disbarred from membership may not enter the club premises under any circumstances.


Opening Hours

7.The general opening hours of the club premises shall be fixed by the committee.


Sale of Intoxicating Liquor

8.1   The sale of intoxicating liquor shall be under the control of the committee who shall be responsible for observing the terms and conditions of the club Registration Certificate.

The hours for the sale, supply and consumption of intoxicating liquor, including Bank Holidays and     special occasions, shall be determined by the committee, in accordance with the provisions of all appropriate Licensing Acts (or similar) which may be in force at the time.

No person under the age of 18 years of age will be permitted to purchase or consume intoxicating liquor on the club premises.

Affiliated members and visiting sporting teams may purchase and consume intoxicating liquor on the premises.

Only full, senior or associate members, (or those mentioned in rule 8.4), may be supplied with intoxicating liquor for consumption on or off the premises.


Management Committee

9.1 The management of the club shall be vested in the Management Committee (the ‘Committee’) who shall have the full power to carry out the affairs of the club.  This shall include the power to appoint sub-committees or if necessary, to co-opt persons onto the committee.The committee shall be elected at the AGM by those members of the club entitled to vote

9.3 The committee shall consist of the secretary (non-voting), treasurer, games secretary, bar secretary, and six further full or senior members.  The chair and vice chair shall be elected by the committee.  In addition to a committee vote the chairman will have a casting vote. The President and Vice-President shall also be (non-voting) members of the committee

9.4    The committee shall manage the running of the club (to include the maintenance of the internal and external fabric of the building).

The committee shall have responsibility for the proper recording of accounts, and present these to the club auditor in January for presentation at the AGM.

9.6   The committee shall determine and pay the remuneration of all servants of the club, and have the power to appoint, remove or suspend all such persons.

The committee shall have the power to purchase articles, supplies and services deemed necessary in order to satisfy the objective of the club.

Expenditure and major alterations or improvements shall be limited to an amount agreed by the membership at the AGM, unless a special meeting of the membership is called to discuss a particular development.

9.10  The committee may make such byelaws it believes necessary for the good of the club, as long as these do not conflict with the existing club rules.

The committee shall have due regard to any resolution or recommendation of any general meeting, but shall not be bound to give effect to the same if in its judgment (and if appropriate after taking professional advice) such action would be injurious to the best interest of the club.

9.12  The committee shall not declare any dividend, make any members monetary grants, or apply the club funds except for the purposes of the club itself (excepting agreed donations to village organizations of a charitable type).

9.13 The committee shall meet on the second Tuesday in each month, unless circumstances dictate another day for the meeting.

9.14  Three members plus secretary or treasurer shall form a quorum.  Matters shall be decided by voting, with the chair having a casting vote where necessary.  Any member wishing to have business raised at a meeting should ask a committee member to do so and/or address the issue in writing via the secretary.

9.15  Any three committee members may summons a special committee meeting by giving a minimum of 24 hours notice to the secretary in writing, to include the nature of the business to be discussed.


The Secretary shall:

10.1   attend all committee and general meetings, and take minutes of the proceedings

10.2   receive subscriptions and other monies, and hand these to the treasurer.

10.3   enroll the names of members and keep a register of addresses.

10.4   prepare the annual report for the AGM.

10.5   be responsible for the renewal of the club registration certificate and any other required permit.

10.6 act as the ‘official voice’ of the club.



The Treasurer shall:

11.1  be responsible for such sums of money as may from time to time be paid to him by any person on account of the club.

11.2   be responsible for the timely payment of all costs and accounts as approved by the committee.

11.3  at the direction of the committee, be responsible for the investments of funds not immediately required for the purpose of the club

11.4  All Building Societies, Bank and other investment accounts shall be held in the club’s name, and all   withdrawals shall require two signatures.  

11.5  provide the auditor with all relevant and detailed information in December of each year, in order that a full report of receipts and expenditure can be presented to the membership at the AGM.

11.6   Any member shall at reasonable times, and with reasonable notice, be entitled to inspect all account books and accounts at the club. It shall be the duty of the treasurer, at the direction of the committee, to produce them for inspection.


General meetings of the club

12.1  All general meetings of the club shall require 28 days notice, this to be posted on the club’s main  notice board. 

12.2  The Annual General Meeting of the members of the club shall be held each year, circumstances    permitting, on the second Tuesday in February.

A special general meeting may be called by one tenth of the membership entitled to vote, or by committee decision, both routes via the secretary who will post a meeting date, agenda and the

business to be discussed.

12.4   Only business, motions or proposed rule changes (which need to be proposed and seconded) that have been received by the secretary in writing, and posted (for a minimum of 14 days on the club notice board), may be discussed at these meetings.

12.5  At the AGM the election of the following will take place: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Bar Secretary, Games Secretary and up to 6 further committee members.

12.6  At the AGM officers will make a report on the previous years business (the secretary will offer a general report; the treasurer will present the annual accounts and the auditors report).


Voting Rights

13.1  Only fully ‘paid up’ (i.e. subscription has been paid and accepted) full or senior members present at general meetings may vote.

13.2   In the case of business for the creation, alteration or rescinding of rules, all those proposing to vote must have been members, with subscription fully paid for the preceding 3 months.


Notice of meetings

14 Notice of any meeting shall be deemed to have been given to each member by the posting of such a notice on the club notice board at the club.


The making or altering of rules

15.1 Rules can only be made, altered or rescinded at an AGM or special general meeting called for that purpose.

15.2   Proposed rule changes shall be posted on the club notice board along with notice of the meeting at which they   are to be considered.

15.3  The adoption of a new rule, the alteration or rescinding of an existing one, shall require at least a 2/3rds majority of those present and entitled to vote.


Guests/Affiliated members

16.1  Persons (other than children) who would not otherwise be eligible for membership shall not be admitted as guests.

16.2  Any full, senior or associate member may introduce guests (a maximum of two at any one time) to the club.

16.3   Guests shall not be admitted to the club more than on two occasions in any one month and no more than six times in any calendar year.

A ‘Visitors Book’ shall be kept at the club premises in which both member and guest(s) must sign, the member must not leave the club premises before their guest(s).

16.5  The introducing member shall be responsible for the good conduct of their guests, and ensure that  they observe the rules and byelaws of the club.

16.6   No guest shall be permitted to purchase intoxicating liquor

16.7  Members of clubs affiliated to the ‘Kent Association of Working Men’s Clubs’ may use the club premises on production of their own club card which shows current and paid up membership, and are then signed into the club. 

16.8  Affiliated members are subject to the same rules and byelaws as club members, but may not bring guests into the club

16.9 Officers, committee members or stewards, at their discretion have the power to refuse admission to guests or affiliated members.  If in their opinion the behaviour of non-members is such that it is believed to be injurious to the interests of the club the officer, member of the committee or steward may ask that person to leave the premises.



17. Byelaws for the regulation of the internal affairs of the club, and the conduct of its members, may be made, varied or revoked by the committee or general meeting, as long as they do not conflict with the club rules.  These byelaws shall be binding on all members, affiliated members and guests.


1. Members bringing children into the club shall be responsible for their children’s good behaviour. Failure to do so will result in the member(s) and their children being asked to leave.If a member brings a dog into the club then they will be responsible for keeping the dog on a lead and under control.


3. Members have preference in the use of the snooker and pool tables.



18. The property of the club shall be vested in three trustees who shall be appointed by the committee. The property of the club shall be vested in the trustees to be dealt with by them as the committee may from time to time direct by resolution (of which an entry made in the minutes shall be conclusive evidence). The trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the club property. The removal from office by the committee due to death, resignation or other removal makes it necessary for a new trustee(s) to be nominated and appointed by the committee.  For the purpose of giving effect to such nomination the secretary is nominated as the person to appoint new trustees of the club within the meaning of the Trustees Act 1925 Section 36, and  shall by deed appoint the person(s) so nominated by the committee. Each appointment, retirement or removal shall be notified to the members at the next succeeding AGM.



19. The club may at any time be dissolved with the consent of three quarters of its members, testified by their signatures to an instrument of dissolution.  In the event of the club being dissolved by the trustees or going into liquidation then any assets which may remain, after liabilities, shall be distributed by the Trustees to those members who have paid their subscriptions for not less than three consecutive calendar years at the time of dissolution/liquidation.

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